Horse sense

chris (2002-10-11 10:19:30)
0 replies
Man driving down a country lane when suddenly his engine cuts out. He gets
out and lifts the bonnet to see what's wrong. Suddenly he hears a voice
saying "it's your HT lead, mate".

He looks round, but can see no one, so carries on poking around under the
bonnet. Again, a voice says "it's your HT lead mate", but there was no one
to be seen . . . just two horses looking over a wall from their field.

As he looks at the white horse, it said "I'm telling you, it's your HT lead
- it's worked loose".

Although he really couldn't believe what he had just seen and heard, he
checked the HT lead, and sure enough, it was loose. He repaired it, and
drove off.

Arriving at the next village, he decided to stop at the pub for a drink. As
the landlord was pulling him a pint, the driver told him what had happened.
The landlord didn't seem at all surprised, and calmly replied "I suppose
that'll have been the white horse, then".

"Good lord, how do you know that", said the man.

"Because the black horse knows f**k all about cars".